• Wednesday, June 9, 2021

Courses Resume

We hope you have all managed to stay safe during the exceptional fifteen months we have endured.  Hopefully the worst times are behind us now and we can begin to explore the new normal.

That being said, we are very pleased to announce the resumption of Centre for Search Research Courses.  Our first course since 7th March last year will be taking place in Gloucester.  We will be delivering our Initial Response Search Management course.  This course has been requested and is being hosted by Severn Area Rescue Association and has now been reorganised several times due to the global situation.

As you will be able to imagine we have a significant backlog of courses to reorganise.  We would like to thank all who had courses booked for their patience and understanding.  We will be in touch to reorganise or re-confirm dates etc.  We will get to everyone and are looking forward to meeting you all again.

In the meantime, you can check out our courses here Courses - The Centre for Search Research (tcsr.org.uk) and please feel free to get in touch with any other enquiries or to book a course.

